Introduction: The Power of Prayer Prayer is a powerful tool that enables us to communicate with God. It is not just a ritual or a religious duty; it is a lifeline that connects us with the Creator of the universe. Through prayer, we can experience miraculous changes in our lives. Jesus said, “The dead will hear my voice, and they will come alive.” This means that through prayer, even the dead parts of our lives can be revived. Whether it’s healing from illness, overcoming personal struggles, or finding peace in difficult situations, prayer has the power to transform and renew. Understanding God’s Nature To pray effectively, we must first understand the nature of God. God is not a distant figure, indifferent to our lives. He is a loving Father who desires the best for His children. The Bible tells us that God is love, and His love is unconditional and boundless. He wants us to live blessed lives filled with health, prosperity, and spiritual growth. Understanding this helps us approach God with confidence, knowing that He is for us, not against us. We can trust that He listens to our prayers and desires to answer them in ways that are best for us. Working with God Many believers know how to beg God, but few understand how to work with Him. God has not birthed beggars; He has birthed sons and daughters. This distinction is crucial because it changes how we approach prayer. Instead of pleading with God as if we are unworthy, we can come boldly to His throne of grace, confident in our identity as His children. He wants us to learn how to partner with Him, not just to ask for things but to work alongside Him in bringing His will to earth. This partnership involves aligning our desires with His, understanding His heart, and trusting in His timing. The Role of Spiritual Mentorship A shepherd’s primary responsibility is not just to make house visits or offer counsel; it is to ensure that the congregation grows in wisdom and understanding. Spiritual mentorship is about guiding others to a deeper relationship with God, helping them to grow in faith and maturity. The most important thing you need from your spiritual mentor is to learn the Word that they teach you. This teaching equips you to navigate life’s challenges with wisdom and discernment. A good mentor helps you see beyond your current circumstances and understand God’s bigger plan for your life. The Importance of Receiving the Word The most important thing in your life is to receive the Word of God. When you start receiving the Word, you will automatically see fruits in your life. The Word of God is alive and powerful, capable of transforming hearts and minds. God does not differentiate between His children; He desires to bless each one of us. However, the level of blessing we experience often depends on our receptivity to His Word. As we meditate on Scripture and apply its teachings, we open ourselves up to God’s promises and His power at work in our lives. Spiritual Training Just as physical and intellectual training are essential, spiritual training is crucial for our growth. We are a spirit, we have a soul, and we live inside a body. God speaks to our spirit, not to our body or soul. Therefore, we must train our spirit to work with God. This training involves regular prayer, studying the Bible, and practicing spiritual disciplines like fasting and worship. As we invest in our spiritual growth, we become more attuned to God’s voice and His leading. This spiritual sensitivity enables us to discern His will and respond in obedience. God is a Good Father The foundation of effective prayer is the understanding that God is a good Father. Many believers are deceived into thinking that God gives sickness and then heals it. This is not true. Every good and perfect gift comes from God. He is always thinking good things for us. Understanding this truth changes our perspective on life’s challenges. We can trust that even in difficult times, God is working for our good. He is not the source of our troubles but our deliverer from them. This belief gives us the confidence to approach Him with our needs, knowing that He cares deeply for us. Learning to Pray Effective Prayers Effective prayer starts from the revelation that God is our Father. True prayer is not about the number of hours you pray but about your faith in the faithfulness of God. When Jesus prayed, He thanked God for always hearing Him. We should adopt the same attitude, approaching prayer with gratitude and confidence. Effective prayer is about aligning our will with God’s will and trusting in His wisdom and timing. It is not about eloquence or lengthy speeches but about sincerity and faith. When we pray with a heart full of trust in God’s goodness, our prayers become powerful and effective. The Role of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is our helper, teacher, and standby. He is the one who empowers us to pray effectively. We should ask for His help in everything we do. Whether it’s driving, making business decisions, or dealing with daily challenges, the Holy Spirit is there to guide us. He helps us understand the Scriptures, reveals God’s will to us, and intercedes on our behalf. The Bible says that the Spirit helps us in our weakness, especially when we do not know what to pray for. By relying on the Holy Spirit, we can pray in alignment with God’s will, even when our understanding is limited. Partnering with God Through His Word To work with God, we must partner with Him through His Word. The Word of God is the seed that, when sown into our hearts, produces a harvest. By meditating on the Word day and night, we can make our way prosperous and successful. This partnership involves more than just reading the Bible; it requires us…

Timing Updation : Now our radio program  Jevaan Diyan Gallan telecast by Radio Zindagi on 08:00 am to 09:00 am.

Now join us Jeevan Diya Gallan for 1 hour from 9:30 to 10:30am.

Praise the Lord!  Ruhaani invites you to join us this Christmas Eve. Details are on the invite below. Come and worship with us as we celebrate our wonderful Savior!